Saturday, August 9, 2008

Overlord: raising hell

This review is on the ps3 version of Overlord called Overlord: raising hell. The raising hell edition is more less the same as the X-box 360 version only there is is five more levels in it (i will talk about them later), there is a split-screen mode and 7 new multiplayer maps.
The whole plot of the storey is that you are the overlord (kind of like the devil) and you are trying to take over all the different lands (and yes that means destroying whoever stands in you way) and to help you take over them you have four different types of minions, brown minions are fighters and the best to help you get through hordes of enemy's, then there is greens they are assasins and work the best when they are on the back of the enemy, next is blues they are the healers and can bring back any minion to life and last is the reds they are the archers and can fire fire (ha! deja vu) at anyone.Controling the minions are probably the most fun thing that you can do in the game except from killing loads of inocent people to raise your corruption level ( your corruption level is how evil you are).
Why should I buy this
This game is very unique because you can controle an army of minions, and even though you are the most evil being on earth you can still be good e.g: about half way through the game i had to choose to ether save the elvin race our get a massive bag of gold, i picked the gold because it rose my coruption level. I can safely say there is no other game out there like this and finally it was a long enough game it took me over two weeks to clear.
Why shouldn't i buy this
There isn't that much bad thing about it only that it cost me 70 euro, it did freeze now and again for me even though it was new, it would of been cool if it went free roam when you finished it but it only continues from the last mission and is fairly frustrating when you run out of life force (life force is a ball of energy that lets you summon the amount of minions of life force you have, i know confusing but thats as good as i could put it Sorry!) and when you cant summon any minions it is really hard to stay alive and some times you will just need minions to turn a hatch but you cant if you dont have them so you will have to back and try and find people to kill to get life force.
The only difference in the ps3 version is that there is five deferent levels each are in an abyss, the abyss's are wierd they are like five different hells that you have to take over, each abyss is in a different land and all the people that have died in that land go to that abyss so if you killed a boss in a land they will go to that abyss so you will more that likely have to fight them again, i dont want to go into any more detail because i might ruin the twist in the end.
Alltogether it was a very good and interesting game i would give it a high 7/10, but if you are lucky enough to own a ps3 and an x-box 360 get the 360 version because the 360 version is much the same and alot cheaper.
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