Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lego indiana jones

First of all lego indiana jones in the second game from the lego company, it is based on the first three films of indiana jones the last one Kingdom of the christal skull is not included. this game has com out for every console.
the plot of the storey is the same as the films you are a treasure hunter going all over the the world getting pricless items for mueseum and saving the world from bad guys
This game is very simmular to lego star wars except it is a indiana jones theme, like in lego star wars you select your missions in the college that indiana works at, you can unlock over 60 character to play as and one of them is even hon solo and the game play is more less the same. Allways having to build gates bridges fix trucks with a wrench to drive them it gets a bit old after a while.
Why should i buy this
the game was cheap enough for me 50 euro and is a fun game to play when there is two players on it, it was a long enough game it would take you over a week to clear and great fun after you clear it with free play, perfect for younger children.
why shouldn't i buy it
A reason why you shouldn't buy it is it gets boring after a while and very much the same as lego star wars but after that its good.
I know this review was short but there was not that much to say without ruining the storey so i will end it with a 6/10, if you have a ps2 get it on that because the graffics are the same the plot is the same nothing different between them.
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